Brand Protection
Brand Protection
Counterfeit Products
The products the Club have seen counterfeited not only include fake replica shirts and clothing, but also scarves, hats, mobile phone covers, keyrings and stationery. They are produced in the UK and overseas and are mainly bought and sold online, including on marketplaces such as eBay, but also on websites and social media pages.
It is a criminal offence to make or sell counterfeit product and we have a zero tolerance policy to the sale of counterfeit Manchester United product. If you have any information regarding counterfeit Manchester United product being sold, please contact the Manchester United brand protection team here. All information and communication will be treated in the strictest confidence.
What’s the harm in buying counterfeit Manchester United product?
There are a number of risks involved in buying counterfeit product. Counterfeits are generally of very poor quality and having undergone no quality control checks, are potentially harmful. If you order a counterfeit product online, there is also a risk that the item may not arrive, your credit card details may be stolen or you may be the victim of ID fraud. Counterfeit goods are often manufactured in unsafe facilities using forced labour, and the proceeds of counterfeiting are frequently used by criminals to finance other illegal and harmful activities.
What is the Club doing to tackle counterfeiting?
The club crest and ‘Manchester United’ name are well known across the globe. To protect against individuals and organisations profiting from the goodwill of the club’s reputation, the Club have invested in protecting a number of trade marks globally, including:

We are committed to fighting the crime of counterfeiting and have a dedicated brand protection team who work with and support multiple law enforcement agencies across the globe including the Police, Customs and Trading Standards.
How can you help us?
If you come across any merchandise that you suspect is fake, please let us know by contacting us here. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.
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